100% private port infrastructure, with high capacity for receiving cargo by train and truck, storage and loading of ships, reducing logistical costs to deliver greater competitiveness to agricultural exports.
Speed and efficiency in the export of agricultural products from the Midwest, South and Southeast regions, through high ship loading capacity, railway loop with dynamic unloading of wagons, flexibility in receiving and storing different cargo.
TGB is capable of receiving up to 84% of its cargo by rail, significantly reducing the amount of carbon emitted. It is the choices made today that will determine tomorrow.
TGB - Terminal Graneleiro da Babitonga SA is a company formed by Brazilian and foreign entrepreneurs, for the implementation of one of the most modern and efficient port terminals dedicated to the export of Brazilian agribusiness products, such as soybean, corn, sugar and soybean meal.
In recent years, the Company has involved companies and professionals that are references in their sectors, to develop a business with responsibility, which provides service to the market with reliability and high standards of quality. TGB will ship to all the world the food produced sustainably and with high productivity on Brazilian soil.
Agribusiness is a constantly growing market. Therefore, TGB understands that its role for the future is to support the growing demand for infrastructure that enables the export of agricultural products. TGB structure reduces logistical costs by drastically minimizing the inefficiencies that currently occur in the export process. The result of this optimization is the better use of natural resources and the delivery of greater competitiveness to the national producer in the international market. The combination of large capacity and high technology allows TGB to reach high levels of efficiency in the integration between the rail, road and waterway, generating value for the entire chain.
The TGB is located 4km from the currently existing railway line, which connects São Francisco do Sul to the national grid. It is also located 3 km away from BR-280, which connects São Francisco do Sul to BR-101. In addition to the existing access, TGB will have a new road-rail access, which will serve the entire region where the project is located.
Sustainability is in our DNA. TGB supports the Global Compact's principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Its construction is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the project avoids the emission of more than 30% of greenhouse gases compared to business as usual, due to the capacity to receive up to 84% of its cargo by rail .
The project invests in solar energy, in the reuse of water and in the preservation and recovery of important areas of mangroves and the Atlantic Forest. TGB is close to the local community and spares no effort to support its development. The socio-environmental dimension was considered in all areas of the project - from its inception - which ensured conditions to obtain all the licenses and authorizations necessary for the implementation of the terminal.
▪ Environmental licensing
▪ Social responsibility
▪ Railroad, solar energy and decarbonization
▪ Incentive to ships based on environmental performance
▪ Atlantic Forest and Mangroves
▪ Marine biodiversity and water quality
▪ Education and social entrepreneurship
Commitment to the Community of São Francisco do Sul
Revitalization of a Municipal School in the neighborhoo
Audiovisual office with Guarani Mbyá Indigenous Community
Support for Fishermen in Babitonga Bay
Rua Walter Rhinow (Road of Laranjeiras), 2886, Laranjeiras
São Francisco do Sul - Santa Catarina
CEP 89.240-000